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Jodi Henson
Nov 7, 20202 min read
The #1 Thing Every Female Forgets When Creating Her New Business
There are some telltale traits that many women have in the process of creating their new businesses. As a business consultant, I work...

Jodi Henson
Nov 2, 20203 min read
Step #5 on How To Leverage Your Strengths
Each of the steps in the Leverage Your Strengths workbook has you assess different aspects of your talents and skills

Jodi Henson
Oct 1, 20203 min read
STOP! You MUST Do This First Before Trying to Launch A Business!!
I had to take Nancy gently by the hand, look her in the eyes until she knew I was as serious as a heart attack and spoke slowly and methodic

Vicki Ravenel
Sep 29, 20202 min read
The 4 MUST-HAVE Attributes of the Members of Your Personal Board of Directors
This board – these people – will be your backbone and your conscience in good times and bad; so choose individuals who truly care about the

Trisha Hart
Sep 27, 20202 min read
There are boatloads of other women out there that have taken the plunge and started their own businesses. I am so envious! And scared. Why c

Vicki Ravenel
Sep 22, 20202 min read
The Most Despicable Business Advisor I Ever Had
But beware the “expert” who tells you how it should be done without ever having done it himself

Jodi Henson
Sep 12, 20202 min read
"My Friends Will Think I'm Crazy"
You have a great idea. But wait. Your friends will think you’re crazy or they might judge you. That is EXACTLY what the little voice in...

Jodi Henson
Sep 10, 20203 min read
The Frightening Steps of Leaving The Corporate World
As we transitioned into our new roles as small business owners, a different fear reared its ugly head that I did not predict or ever knew I
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