Not sure how to launch and grow your dream business and control your destiny?
Stop waiting for things to change.
Eliminate fears, uncertainties, and risks of launching your dream business.
Take charge, today!
Is This You?
I'm not sure if my idea is a good one.
I'm afraid of the unknown risk.
I crave the freedom to be in control of my life.
I'm afraid of failing – what will people think?
I'm afraid of wasting money on an idea that may not work.
I'm afraid to change and/or make the leap.
I have no idea where to start.
I need positive encouragement.
I'm afraid to share my idea, as someone might steal it or think it is stupid.
I haven't been able to figure out how to set up a SUCCESSFUL business.
Have you ever thought this?...
I’m better than this.
I’m getting older and not making any progress.
This job is sucking the life out of me.
I’m ready to go it on my own.
I think I can make money at this.
I want to make my own money.
There’s got to be more to life than 9 to 5, working for someone else.
I don't have time or money to visit with multiple subject matter experts to answer my questions.
I need multiple streams of income.
Ready To Be In Control of Your Work, Your Day, Your Schedule, Your Success???
It's Time!
Get there with the help of a Success Panel!
You will stop wasting time dreaming about the life you want and start taking the right actions to achieve it. No more fear, uncertainty or doubts about your ideas and plans. When you work with a Success Panel, you’ll know exactly what to do next.
Meet with a panel of experts assembled specifically for you
They craft your plan with the next critical steps you need take to start your business and start living your dream.
Finally, you can make progress on pursuing your dream with support from specific experts who can help you move forward!”
Book a Success Panel Session
Custom-assembled panel of experts relevant to your business idea
Confidential session to protect your idea and work
Wholly dedicated subject matter experts rolling up their sleeves to help you
Focused discussion that will:
work through business risks
identify opportunities
advise on your business model
recommend resources specific to your business
identify the critical next 3 steps you must take
Additional resources and tools to help​
What We Provide
We help women conquer the fears, frustration and confusion of starting a business so they'll know what to do to bring their dreams to life. Unlike coaches, workshops, and classes, we provide confidential, custom-designed panels of subject matter experts who work with our clients to remove barriers and craft next step plans. Our panelists are dedicated to helping women succeed and want to provide their knowledge and experience to those who are ready to pursue their dream businesses.
Our experts work with you in a unique way to craft what will be most important to launch your specific business. One size does NOT fit all.
We assemble a panel of subject matter experts that are specific to your business idea and they focus on your ideas, plans, capabilities, challenges, etc. They provide insights, feedback, resources, guidance, and most importantly the next steps you must take all in a completely confidential setting.
Panel sessions are $250. You get a custom panel that is filled with experts in the areas you need help. You get their uninterrupted, undivided attention, follow up analysis, a step-by-step plan, recommendations, and resources you need.
Panel appointments will be scheduled at times that are conducive to both you and your expert panelists (which can include an evening or weekend time slot).
After working with your panel, you will have clarity on your business idea, you ‘ll know the risks and how to avoid or reduce them, what action items you must take to set yourself up for success, how best to approach your business model, and you will be able to manage your fears and concerns and get started on building the business and life you desperately want.
Panel sessions are up to 90 minutes and include up to 3 specific business experts in the area(s) you need assistance.
Don't Miss Out!
We've Been There Too
At the Softer Side of Success, we have lived through the fear and frustration of wanting to be in control of our own destinies. We have worked through the hardship (including the failures, mistakes, mishaps – you name it) of taking an idea and transforming it into a viable small business. Sometimes we learned the ropes the hard way and other times we got the right advice from the right people who had the right motives – they merely wanted to see us bring our dreams to life. We know how much easier it is to get that right mix of help. We know One Size Does Not Fit All. So we pull together experts who are nurturers, honesty fanatics, and who share our passion for helping women launch their own businesses.
Can you relate?